And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him”. //Over the last few days, we’ve discussed two major religious themes: One, the Hellenistic idea of a Logos someday being sent from God to mankind, who would “reveal mysteries and…
Tag: logos
1 Corinthians 1:30, The Logos (Part IV of V)
But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God //Before wrapping up this discussion tomorrow, a little more information about the Logos is in order. What is this mysterious, cosmic Reason that coexisted with God since the creation? John’s Logos Christology poetically parallels the…
Ezekiel 37:27, the Logos (Part III of V)
My dwelling place will be with them: I will be their God, and they will be my people. //We continue our theme about the Logos, as described in the prologue to John’s Gospel. John has just made a profound claim, that the Logos has finally arrived as promised, and that…
John 1:14, the Logos (Part II of V)
And the Logos became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory //Yesterday, I repeated a statement attributed to the philosopher Plato, long before Jesus lived, suggesting that one day God might send forth a Logos, who would reveal all mysteries and make everything plain. Hundreds of years…
John 1:1, the Logos (Part I of V)
In the beginning was the Logos. //John’s Gospel is a fascinating and complex theological work, painting Christianity (which was itself an offshoot of Judaism) with a Hellenistic brush. I thought it might be enlightening to discuss the Logos, John’s word for the pre-existing Christ. In most all Bible versions, the…