A dollar says you can’t guess the three most righteous men in the Bible, according to God. I wouldn’t have guessed right.
Hint: They’re listed in Ezekiel, so that’s before Jesus’ time. Gotta be Old Testament fellas.
God was telling Ezekiel that if He has a mind to destroy a country, it’s going to happen—even if the three most righteous men in the world were living there:
[E]ven if these three men—Noah, Daniel and Job—were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign LORD.
If you said Abraham, Moses and David, you weren’t even close.
Remember Noah’s drunkenness? Daniel’s confession? Job admitting that he cannot stand in his own defense? Can’t God find any righteous men at all? I guess the lesson, here, is that mankind is deeply flawed, but still loved by God.
Very nice explanation, please send me the details, regards Titus Philip
If God decides to destroy all the countries of the world who insist on denying His existence and His law and He smites the nations with corona virus who can stand? Is it testing God to claim immunity because of faith in the blood of Christ? What shall we say to those Christians who have been infected by the corona virus?
They are not as righteous as Noah, Daniel, and Job.
Disaster is not always punishment for sin it could be a test of ones faith like in Jobs story.