A little ways down the right hand column of The Dubious Disciple, you’ll see a few of my favorite blog feeds. On the top of the list you’ll probably find one titled James’ Thoughts and Musings. I’m betting it will be on the top of the list because the most recent feed is always on top, and James posts multiple times a day! Here’s his blog:
James is a Ph.D. student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, studying the History of Biblical Interpretation, and he comes up with some fascinating topics for discussion. I’ve long appreciated James’ posts, which are either insightful, thought-provoking, or inspiring (and sometimes all three!)
Well, I can no longer delay giving James a proper plug, because he took on the project of reviewing my latest book in bite-size chunks. The embarrassing part is that he often offers deeper commentary than my research for the book carried me! Who’s learning from who, here?
Anyway, here are the first few posts about John’s Gospel: The Way It Happened, which is available for purchase now from my website, and will be available in online and brick-and-mortar stores beginning March 1. Have a look if you’re interested in discussing the book.