On the heels of yesterday’s post, I thought it would be worth including Kenneth Bailey’s comparison of Psalm 23 to Mark 6. This comes from his recent book, The Good Shepherd, p. 175.
Psalm 23: “The Lord is my shepherd”
Mark 6: Jesus had compassion on them, became their shepherd, and the flock followed him
Psalm 23: “He settles me down in green pastures”
Mark 6: He commanded them to “recline in green pastures”
Psalm 23: “He leads me in the paths of righteousness”
Mark 6: “He taught them many things” and demonstrated to them a righteous path of nonviolent response to injustice.
Psalm 23: “I walk through the valley of the shadow of death”
Mark 6: John had just been killed. The shadow of death loomed over them
Psalm 23: “I will fear no evil”
Mark 6: He told them “Have no fear. I am!”
Psalm 23: “Your staff comforts me”
Mark 6: “Take nothing … except a [shepherd’s] staff”
Psalm 23: “You prepare a table before me”
Mark 6: Jesus prepared a banquet of life in the face of Herod’s banquet of death
Psalm 23: “In the presence of my enemies”
Mark 6: Herod, an enemy, was “watching”
Psalm 23: “You anoint my head with oil”
Mark 6: The disciples had just “anointed many with oil”
Psalm 23: “I shall not want” and “My cup overflows”
Mark 6: They “were filled” and “they took up twelve baskets of broken pieces”
Psalm 23: He rests me “beside still waters”
Mark 6: “the wind ceased and they crossed over”